Every once in a while there's a deal that just seems too good to be true. When a friend excitedly told me he had gotten free breakfast for a week using the PayPal App, I was skeptical. But never one to pass up a chance for a freebie, I downloaded the app to see what the hype was all about. Here's the skinny:
What is Paypal? An international e-commerce business allowing payments and money transfers to be made through the Internet (Thanks
Wikipedia!) Or in other words, it's a way to pay for items without cash or a physical credit card
How does it work? Once you've downloaded the app onto your phone (it's free and compatible for iOS, Android and Windows Phones), you link your account to an existing credit or debit card. You'll be asked to take a photo so that when you make a purchase, participating retailers can verify your identity. The app uses your location to display restaurants and retailers that accept Paypal in the area. Then you can select a restaurant and in some cases order ahead.

How can I get free stuff? The app's "Offer" section is where you'll find freebies and discounts. Businesses that are doing promotions are displayed in this section. The Bean, Pomme Frites, Viva Crepe, and Van Leeuwen Ice Cream are among the business that currently have offers which range from $3 to $10 off any purchase. What's great is that unlike a lot of couponing apps, there's no minimum purchase. In fact, you can redeem the offer for less than the promotional price and save the rest for another visit. For example, I used the $3 off offer at The Bean for an ice coffee and still have 50 cents I can use the next time I order there.
So go ahead and treat yourself to a free cone or coffee or muffin- you deserve it for being so frugal!