As a young New Yorker on a budget, I am always looking for bargains, especially when it comes to clothing. So I'm a real sucker for fast fashion.
But recently I've become aware of the unethical practices used in the apparel industry. Some of my favorite retailers have been caught up in scandals involving sweatshops, pollution, and unfair labor practices. Check out the shocking list here. I was appalled! After learning more about these issues, I am making a conscious effort to support retailers who are socially responsible. However, I've found it difficult because firstly, it's hard to find brands who are transparent about their sourcing procedure and secondly, most of the products I was finding were at a price point out of my budget.
So I was thrilled when I discovered Hearts.com, an e-commerce website that curates hundreds of
ethically made products from vendors around the world, many of which are quite affordable. I love browsing through the different items and learning the stories of the people who created them. And as an added bonus, when you sign up for their newsletter, you get $10 off your first purchase! Score! Read on to see some of my top picks from Heart.com for those on a budget...
ethically made products from vendors around the world, many of which are quite affordable. I love browsing through the different items and learning the stories of the people who created them. And as an added bonus, when you sign up for their newsletter, you get $10 off your first purchase! Score! Read on to see some of my top picks from Heart.com for those on a budget...