It has been way too long since I've posted. Between finals, starting a new internship, and dealing with some major health issues, this blog had to take a backseat for a while. But as summer is kicking into full swing, so am I! Summer is the best season for amazing free and cheap events in the city. Case and point: Shakespeare in the Park.
Since 1962, the Public Theater has been sponsoring free performances of Shakespeare's most iconic plays in Central Park; often casting big name actors like Amy Adams, Meryl Streep, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, and Anne Hathaway. Performed in the open air Delacorte Theater, stadium seating guarantees there is not a bad seat in the house.
This year's performances include Much Ado about Nothing (through July 6th) and King Lear (July 22nd-August 17th). I was so excited when my friend Bekah volunteered to go through the ticketing process (see below). We attended the show last Wednesday. I would not consider myself a Shakespeare fan. In fact I was barely certain I would be able to follow the storyline with all those thee's and thou's much less actually enjoy the play. So I was absolutely shocked when I found myself laughing out loud along with the rest of the audience at the many hilarious jokes and becoming emotionally invested in the romances of the characters. It was truly a great experience and one I would highly recommend to others.
Read on to find out how you can get tickets and my tips for making it the best experience it can be!