Thursday, July 18, 2013

Get Deals with the 7-Eleven Mobile App

I can't believe it has been over a month since my last post. Between starting a new internship, moving to Brooklyn, re-registering for school, and oh yeah...enjoying every moment of spending my first summer in NYC, it seems like I barely have a free moment to spare. But of course I want to keep you all updated on the free, fun stuff expect lots more posts in the coming weeks.

For today, I want to share a quick, easy way I've been scoring freebies and coupons on a regular basis. Let me introduce you to the 7-Eleven Mobile App. 7-Elevens are popping up around the city at an alarming rate. It seems like there's a new one every few blocks. I downloaded their mobile app a few months ago (which is free, of course) and have been getting deals ever since. Coupons appear every few days and all you have to do is have the cashier scan the barcode on your phone to redeem them. The freebies I've gotten have included slurpees, ice cream bars, snacks, and gum. It's nothing gourmet, but I can't turn down a cold Snapple or Ice Cream Twix bar when it's 101 degrees in New York. Especially if I don't have to pay for it!

And just a heads up- they'll be offering free hot dog coupons on Tuesday, July 23rd in celebration of National Hot Dog Day! So download the app before then and stop by one of their locations.

Side note- There's a big push in my neighborhood to boycott 7-Elevens in support of local, family owned convenience stores. I totally understand the sentiment but just want to point out that a lot of the 7-Elevens we're seeing pop up are franchises opened by hard-working people who have busted their butts to save up the money to own a business. Maybe that's just me justifying my shopping habits but I wanted to put it out there. Food for thought!

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